DANNMR story and mission
The Danish NMR Consortium connects all academic research groups in Denmark that use high-field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. It covers in total 22 research groups, distributed in 10 departments and in all 6 universities in Denmark.
The Danish NMR consortium has driven the development of NMR research in Denmark via coherent, consistent and collaborative effort building around a historic tradition of purchasing and sharing national instruments, initiated by the first 270 MHz in the 1970s.
This has made NMR research in Denmark internationally highly recognized and it covers research from environmental science, material science, biological and chemical science to applied science and engineering. Furthermore, a long standing tradition of a yearly scientific meeting with around 100 participants has tied a close knot between NMR in academia and industry which continues to spur new developments and new research directions.
Our Statutes
You can read the Statutes of DANNMR here (in Danish!). These are four of our main Statutes:
Continuing development of education within NMR spectroscopy across different fields of science and on different levels of complexity and difficulty.
Securing a strong network amongst NMR users in Denmark through the yearly DANNMR-meeting and an active website.
Access to scientific personnel with relevant qualifications and security of state-of-the-art equipment in the Danish industry.
Increasing visibility and accessibility for Danish NMR in Denmark and internationally through the website and a yearly report.
Our Board Members
Our board is conformed by both University representatives and Industry representatives that guarantee the collaboration between the Academia and our industry partners. Find them in the Contact section and feel free to reach out to them.
Have Any Questions?
We are always happy to answer your doubts and provide information about our research and events!